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Show HN: Startup Kit – A Django React starter kit for building startups (djangoreactkit.com)
5 points by NoSEVDev 45 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Hey HN!

Over the past decade or so, every side project and startup I've built has used more or less the same framework:

- a django backend

- a react spa frontend

- a separate seo-optimized static marketing site (I used to use jekyll, but now I use astro)

As many of you can probably relate, I've always started from scratch or grabbed code from old private repos. Half the time this resulted in burning out before I started working on the main project.

I decided to take a break and build a truly solid foundation for the things I use in nearly every project. Hopefully some of you find it as useful as I have :)

- authentication (login, signup, forgot passwords, reset, social auth, 2fa, recovery codes, security emails, etc...)

- stripe (checkout, subscriptions, one-time payments, webhooks)

- a static marketing site / markdown blog / t's & c's with DaisyUI theming consistent with the react spa.

- email integrations (8 templates for updates, email confirmations, I use mailgun, but it can be configured for any SMTP etc...)

- docker / traefik to keep everything on the same domain and super simple to get up and running, automatic SSL when deploying to prod.

My main goal has been to help people focus on their startup rather than the BS above. I've loved connecting with those using it already, so please reach it if you decide to give it a go!

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