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Tech is a relatively immature industry. And a lot of time and effort and money in it is devoted to non-critical products.

I'm not directing this at the OP, because they have actually thought about it even if I disagree with them, but there are a lot of people working in tech and in software who do not care about product quality at all. They're paid a lot of money and exclusively focus on shipping ASAP, quality be damned, so they keep their metrics looking good and the $$$ flowing. Add in the industries tendency for very short term tenure at jobs and you end up in a situation where people think what they're doing is "optimal" simply because it keeps them getting $$$ --- product quality is just secondary. Their "craftsmanship" is their job-hopping. (I don't have a problem with job-hopping if the products and code are still good --- they usually aren't.)

They usually don't need to care about a bridge lasting 6 decades, but then they're writing critical software for infrastructure or airplanes and, unfortunately, they can actively resist a lot of the hard learned lessons people had to make in those industries because they just want to move fast (and leave after ~2 years).

The culture isn't there yet.

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