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Show HN: Meeting Bot API for Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom (meetingbaas.com)
1 point by Erazal 46 days ago | hide | past | favorite
Meeting Baas (Bot as a Service) is a unified API that provides meeting content from Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom, along with transcription.

The basics of building the Meeting Bots were quite simple: we use Puppeteer to log into the meeting and scrape its content for our users.

What was challenging was scaling these bots using Kubernetes and ensuring they are 100% reliable. Any small change in the video meeting provider interface could lead to unreliable data being scraped.

To help any developer get started quickly, we have also open-sourced a recording interface that lets you view recordings, chat with the transcript using an LLM, and more.


The latter is also compatible with transcription APIs, and I plan on making it compatible with Whisper and then package it inside a Tauri App - to have (at last!) an open-source transcription app that allows text-editing, SRT download, and more.

Happy to answer any questions you might have on how we built this!

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