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> Not using source control and removing tests resulting in a better program is quite fascinating.

Can you clarify what is exactly fascinating here? They seem to be writing simple programs, used only by themselves. In these scenarios of course you don't *have* to use good eng practices.

You seem to think of writing simple programs used only by myself (and people I have a relationship with, and people who want to have a relationship with me) as some sort of special situation that doesn't require "good engineering practices." I think of it as the most basic situation of all.

The most foundational engineering practice of all: tailor interventions to the context.

I don't know because no studies have been done about the so called good engineering practices.

If a big company with 10 teams of 20 engineers each blogs about how they're able to ship good code with testing or source control, I won't be any more fascinated that I am here because it sort of makes sense since no one can prove that source control or testing improves the end product.

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