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> When you have no tests your problems go away because you don’t see any test failures.


> Never have I tested anything and NOT found a bug, and most things I tested I thought were already OK to ship.

It's a trade-off. Most of the business world ran on, and to some extent still runs on, Excel programs.

There are no tests there, but for the non-tech types who created these monsters, spending time on writing a test suite has a very real cost - there's less time to do the actual job they were hired for!

So, yeah, each test you write means one less piece of functionality you add. You gotta make the trade-off between "acceptably (in frequency and period) buggy" and "absolutely bullet-proof no matter what input is thrown at it".

With Excel programs, for example, if the user sees an error in the output, they fix the input data, they don't typically fix the program. It has to be a dealbreaker bug before they will dive into their code again to fix the program.

And that is acceptable to them.

> There are no tests there, but for the non-tech types who created these monsters, spending time on writing a test suite has a very real cost - there's less time to do the actual job they were hired for!

Not spending time on writing tests has a very real cost - a lot of time is spent on figuring out why your forecast was way off, or your year end figures don't add up.

Not to mention how big parts of the world are thrown into austerity, causing hundred of thousand dead, due to errors in your published research [0].

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_in_a_Time_of_Debt#Metho...

>> It's a trade-off.

>> spending time on writing a test suite has a very real cost

> Not spending time on writing tests has a very real cost

Yes. That's what "trade-off" means.

My point is that there isn't a tradeoff between getting "real work" done or writing tests. Either you write tests, or you spend the even more time mitigating the consequences of not writing tests. You can't save time by not writing tests (except for the most trivial cases).

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