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I think AI is close to the point where synthetic users will be indistinguishable from real ones. To mitigate the techniques above and elsewhere in this thread, I think Apple will quickly move towards making the review process both highly automated and continuous.

It really means we need to lean into what ecosystem and government pressure we can apply to ensure the terms are sensible and fair because it will become nearly impossible to hack around them. (I do think many of these hacks are clever, I just don't think they will be enduring.)

I find your comment overly optimistic. Review processes are already highly automated and effective, but even as they advance there will always (short of AGI) be (1) effective tricks to mask behavior from analysis and (2) a need for a human in the loop to verify findings.

I do agree that we need to continue to apply pressure to tear down walls around the garden as a means of protecting code as speech, including the ability to distribute and run it on our devices without burden.

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