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Beyond the hype there are serious studies about LLLT [1][2][3][4]. The article doesn't ever mentioned the book which is popular within practitioners (source: doctor at home).

I am not argumenting here in favor of LLLT but saying that an article like this should do more research to create a debate within health professionals.

[1] https://weberlasersystems.com/products/book

[2] https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=low+...

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-level_laser_therapy

[4] https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=transcranial+low+level+...

  The book explores a plethora of laser therapy applications and techniques, covering areas such as external laser therapy, laser needle acupuncture, transcranial laser therapy, interstitial and intraarticular laser therapy, intravenous laser therapy, photodynamic therapy, dermatology and skin rejuvenation, weight loss, lasers and stem cell therapy, and provides comprehensive treatment protocols.
Yikes. Thanks for sharing! I only know about the neuro part personally, but seeing it put up next to "acupuncture" (without puncturing, I guess?) and "weight loss" (??) reinforces my initial negative reaction.

It's so fascinating to see modern western psuedoscience, like this and the neurofeedback people. They cite sources, they use the right words, they're often very serious people with real degrees... A testament to how complex the truth can be when we know so much as a civilization, I guess.

You don't need oldschool techniques like Chiropracty's/Acupuncture's "the body has an invisible energy field that only we can manipulate" rhetoric, you just need to cherry pick stuff from real science and ratchet up the confidence levels in your marketing materials, then fall back to normal skeptical scientific language when challenged.

Probably worth it though, to find the applications of this tech that really do work! Hopefully the $4,000 laser headsets are at least funding productive researchers & engineers

The book gives you a solid base for argumenting in favor or against it. That is better than disparate articles about the topic.

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