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Is there a to that I can script, to use the cookies on my existing web browser (because I'm logged into some websites) and get the page content text? All while clicking away pop-up banners (newsletter, cookies, etc)?

I would script that to go over my local bookmarks file.

Reader mode does this in Safari. Adding to Reading List also stores the content for offline reading.

I bookmark to a service (Linkding, self-hosted) that automatically sends the URL to be archived at Wayback Machine.

Thank you. I should have been clearer and mentioned that I'm on Debian ))

But in any case, Safari's reader mode can be scripted from the CLI? That is good to know, maybe I'll try to find something similar for Firefox's Reader Mode. Thank you.

Yes. On macOS we would generally use osascript on the command line. Apple Script Editor shows which functions each app exposes. Very powerful combo.

That's great to know, I consider an Apple device every few years when I upgrade my current devices. Osascript sounds compelling.

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