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The crypto people really want to write slow code. That's what constant time means - your best case is as slow as your worst case. Noone else wants that so there's direct tension when they also want to work in some dialect of a general purpose language.

> The crypto people really want to write slow code. That's what constant time means - your best case is as slow as your worst case.

At least for a hot path constant-time algo, they want all cases to run as slow as the worst case. But just as important-- they want that algo to be fast as is feasible. AFAICT that's the only reason we're talking about C/C++ here.

The problem with writing "slow code" would have been that all the big companies who need to go fast would have chosen to roll their own hot-shot implementations for speed of it. That would introduce more risk into the most widely-used cases, while the "safe" version would have been relegated to the least used software.

Instead, the guy complaining in the article about compiler determinism wrote fast crypto things in C. AFAICT everybody just uses that. And he continues to complain about the potential of compiler indeterminacy-- indeterminacy in the name of optimization-- breaking the fast crypto things.

He also points out that in the cases where optimization really matters-- like ffmpeg-- the hot path code is hand-optimized and not left up to the compiler optimizer. I'd add audio plugins to that.

I'd also add fftw, which apparently has a runtime (method-space?) heuristic that checks which of its buttload of hand-optimized routines win the race on your particular cpu.

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