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Humans typically like to keep these resources out of the hands of government until something horrific happens then do so begrudgingly. Then half of them still insist it's a bad idea and run out to learn the hard way.

There is probably some kind of fallacy somewhere like "everyone thinks they will be the one who benefits from a power imbalance until they experience losing first hand".

Unfortunately jfyi won't be able to post any further after disbanding the EPA for their imbalance of power, became deathly ill after drinking chemically poisoned water from his well. It wasn't even the water that got him, it was was the trash eating bears. In his weakened state he could not get away. All this said, we respect him for his stance of "survival of the fittest". His passing was quite terrible and slow, as the police force was disbanded and the neighbor wanted a $35 cash deposit for ammunition to shoot the bear, it took 45 minutes for his screaming to stop.



What a weird response. I'm not sure if you mistook me for standing behind a Libertarian viewpoint and are mocking me for it or if you are just joking. You know... "and then"ing what I said, taking it up a notch for the gag.

If it was the first, I can assure you the comment was lamenting the situation, not celebrating it. I even chuckled to myself that the fallacy in question is called "Libertarianism".

If it was the second, the best advice about joking I have ever heard is "if at all possible, involve a cow". I'll be looking out for it next time ;)

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