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I'm not saying that everyone who hates Nickelback is a racist or transphobic.

I'm saying that the same thinking (or lack thereof) which causes people to pile onto hating Nickelback is the one that causes people to be racist or transphobic.

Not thinking for yourself means that you'll hate what the people around you hate. If the people around you are left-leaning, you probably won't hate black or trans people. But, there's definitely some irrational hate going around in left-leaning communities.

Probably the greatest correlation I'd point out is between hating Nickelback and hating Rebecca Black--because if you're getting your opinions on who to hate from internet culture, internet culture was going to tell you to hate both those people. And here's the problem: unlike Nickelback, when Rebecca Black started getting hated on the internet she was 14. Blogs and news sources written by adults were piling onto hating a child. Anyone with a shred of empathy who thought for themselves at all, imagined what it was like to be Rebecca Black in 2011 and was horrified by people's behavior.

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