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The problem is that none of their problems are real problems and there's nothing to minimize when they're not real. You cannot minimize made up first world problems

No, they really do live on a sailboat with intermittent power and internet access. Unless you take "made up" to mean "as a result of their choices" these are real problems, and ironically enough not problems faced by most people in the first world.


> Unless you take "made up" to mean "as a result of their choices"

Not the original poster, but that’s my view exactly. If you impose the limitations upon yourself then it’s not really a “problem” for you, is it now. You just can afford to make your life shittier for an “experience” to then have fun solving the issues you’ve created for yourself

Then say "constraints" if it feels better. To me, this conversation comes off as much more of a manufactured problem than idealistic people living on a boat and figuring out how to make tech work for them.

Edit: However, upon reading further comments, I don't want this to be seen as a defense of the group against actual complaints.

One of the (many) fascinating things here is that - even if by virtue of their 'self-imposed' stringencies - their output showcases production values that are very applicable throughout.-

Problems created by lifestyle choices are still real problems.

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