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It isnt really "putting the responsibility to mitigate this problem in its entirety" on them so much as it is "putting the responsibility to mitigate this problem * on their service * "

Large software companies seem to enjoy passing the buck in recent years if it might impact their profitability which is fine but to say the could not do anything about it incorrect. It may not be feasible to do so an still operate the service but that doesnt mean it isnt possible.

Ok. I might have misworded my answer, but assuming that cloudflare has to do more about this, what would it be?

They should act (on malware et al.) when people report it, https://www.cloudflare.com/en-gb/trust-hub/reporting-abuse/

That said, they're also using the "utility argument" - just as your phone provider won't screen you at every call you make, your electricity provider won't lock your supply until you authenticate use for non-nefarious purposes , your ISP won't content-filter, Cloudflare also says they won't police per-use other than when under explicit legal mandate (court injunctions). That's fair enough, at least to me.

Sure, but in this instance, they're offering an anonymous service. Just require a sign-up and a captcha, like you do for all of your other products, FFS. Are they on drugs? Do they want more botnets, to drive DoS mitigation sales?

(not who you are responding too).

Either discontinue the service, or serve each pipe from a subdomain that encodes the original source. Something that lets security tooling block known bad sites, without having them block a lot of legitimate sites.

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