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Google Search keeps nagging by asking to "See results closer to you?" (imgur.com)
1 point by princevegeta89 50 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

This has probably been happening for years now and no one at Google seems to care (it's probably what they wanted as per design anyway).

This dialog keeps asking to "see results closer to me" although I've rejected location permission for my browser in the first place. There is no way to disable this popup.

The rendering of this element is also somewhat smart - it uses a dynamically generated set of identifiers so we cannot directly block it with extensions such as Ublock or AdBlock Plus

That sounds as annoying as a new thing that's been happening on my Android phone: Google keeps putting a popup asking me if I want to turn on RCS. I don't, and won't ever, but there appears to be no way to make it stop.

Google seems to enjoy trying to annoy people into doing what they want.

Yeah I've seen this problem for years as well. To block it, there wasn't much of a direct solution besides using a custom filter that matches on the text inside the element.

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