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Yea I hope they can get far enough along to do these. LPCAMM2 might take longer than the others simply because it'll change the form factor of a lot of things so might need a new chassis but I'm definitely looking forward to it taking over in laptops. Coreboot would definitely be nice, the current BIOS/EFI is fairly simple and basic and doesn't support much.

ECC I'd love but I also won't be surprised if it's never supported by Intel or AMD on their mobile processors in any official capacity. Though maybe that'll change going forward.

Speakers are my pain point... Although I mostly use headphones, these speakers are just bad.

Lpcamm2 is inevitable in the long run, but doable today as Lenovo shows.

The other features would just be nice to have, but I'd love to see ECC capable CPUs in Notebooks, maybe just very efficient desktop ones!?

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