This is not about Yale the university but about Yale the manufacturer of door locks.
Homeowners using the company's first-generation "smart" locks have been given two choices:
* Option 1: Don't pay up to upgrade your locks. Unfortunately, if you don't upgrade them, you will get locked out of them, because they don't work with the company's new app.
* Option 2: Pay £5/lock to upgrade your locks so you can use them with the new app. Unfortunately, the upgrade renders Zwave or Wifi dongles previously integrated with the locks unusable.
Homeowners using the company's first-generation "smart" locks have been given two choices:
* Option 1: Don't pay up to upgrade your locks. Unfortunately, if you don't upgrade them, you will get locked out of them, because they don't work with the company's new app.
* Option 2: Pay £5/lock to upgrade your locks so you can use them with the new app. Unfortunately, the upgrade renders Zwave or Wifi dongles previously integrated with the locks unusable.
Evidently, both choices suck. Sigh.