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Regular Glucosamine Use and Mortality (bmj.com)
25 points by libpcap 53 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 20 comments

From the article:

>> regular glucosamine use may be a marker for a healthy lifestyle, but it is hard to distinguish the confounding effects of a healthy lifestyle from the impact of regular supplementations in an observational study.

Yeah, everything about such longevity studies has such obvious confounders that it seems pretty much useless.

It might enable you to have a healthier lifestyle since it helps with mobility.

Based on a quick survey [1], seems like various forms of glucosamine are not interchangeable. Doesn't this confound the study further given its unclear which supplements led to what outcomes?

[1] https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-glucosamine/art...

Glucosamine seems to be taken to treat joint pain and osteoarthritis but would a general anti-inflammatory effect be what causes a reduction in mortality if any?

Isn't Glucosamine needed for Hyaluronic Acid synthesis. Hyaluronic Acid essentially keeps tissues moisturized.

Interesting preliminary investigation but there’s no mathematics that can remove confounding factors for such small effects.

It’s 500k people for over a decade. If any study has the data to do it, it’s this one.

Sample size is useless at removing confounders.

It's an observational study. You can't make conclusions based on it. But it can be a basis for more detailed study.

Glucosamine and independently chondroitin can provoke a slight allergic reaction. That's because they're often sea derived. Perhaps lab synthesized versions wouldn't have this issue. The reaction, although not serious, can be enough to discourage their use.

For me this URL leads to a Wordpress login page.


This is from 2020.

What if everyone got enough glycine while their blood sugar was adequate, so that their glucosamine levels topped up...

Supplemental glycine instantly gives me crippling insomnia. Even magnesium glycinate or anything else bound to it causes issues.

Collagen hydrolysate is a better source for getting the benefits of glycine than is pure glycine.

glycine needs to be taken with lysine and vitamin C to keep from depleting lysine into collagen..

Interesting, thanks.

> The inverse associations of glucosamine use with all-cause mortality seemed to be somewhat stronger among current than non-current smokers

So take glucosamine and start smoking? /s

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