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You’re done editing the comment now?

Do you think UB-as-feature is something that someone would honestly describe C or C++ as? It’s a pretty demeaning way of framing things. Indeed it’s a tongue-in-cheek remark, a vhimsical exaggeration/description of the by-default UB of those languages which was added to the end of the completely factual description of the role that finding UB in the Safe Rust subset of the standard library of Rust serves.

Of course one cannot, from the Rust Side so to speak, use tongue in cheek, off-hand remarks in these discussions; one must painstakingly add footnotes and caveats, list and mention every trivial fact like “you can get UB in unsafe blocks”[1] or else you have a “double standard”.

[1] Obligatory footnote: even though all participants in the discussion clearly knows this already.

> Do you think UB-as-feature is something that someone would honestly describe C or C++ as?

Yes. That's how I describe it. That's also how Ralf Jung (long time Rust contributor and one of the main people behind Miri) describes UB in both Rust and C++ (although he says C++ overdoes it) [1]

The thing I edited out of my comment was "motte and bailey fallacy" because after reflecting a bit I thought it was unfair. But now you're actually trying to retroactively reframe as a joke.

[1] https://blog.sigplan.org/2021/11/18/undefined-behavior-deser...

> Yes. That's how I describe it. That's also how Ralf Jung (long time Rust contributor and one of the main people behind Miri) describes UB in both Rust and C++ (although he says C++ overdoes it) [1]

Okay. Then I was wrong about that.

> The thing I edited out of my comment was "motte and bailey fallacy" because after reflecting a bit I thought it was unfair. But now you're actually trying to retroactively reframe as a joke.

What a coincidence. I had written on a post-it note that you were going to pull out an Internet Fallacy. (I guess it’s more about rhetoric.)

I guess you’ve never seen someone explain after the fact that they were being tongue in cheek (it’s not a joke, it’s an exaggeration)? Because jokes, sarcastic remarks are always clearly labelled and unambiguous? Okay then. I guess it was a Motte and Bailey.

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