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Show HN: OneMillionColors – explore, add and customize One Million Colors (onemillioncolors.com)
9 points by hafiz_ 51 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

If you are trying to make something like one million checkboxe this is not a very good UI imo.

Setting a color in a box should have been quicker. Before opening the page, i was expecting something like /r/place. Its not that. I don't see why i should be toggling a box at all. If you have more boxes visible at a time, it will give a feeling of canvas you are trying to draw by setting colors. It will have a purpose.

In its current state, i don't see a point.

edit: instead of free choice of colors, you could give a pallete to pick color from. It will be much quicker than chosing color using sliders from a popup.

Thank you for the valuable feedback. I understand your points about the UI and the speed of interaction. I am considering different ways to enhance the user experience, including possibly a quicker color selection method and a more interactive canvas like feature. Your suggestion about using a predefined palette is a great idea, i will look into implementing that to improve speed and user engagement. Thanks for helping me make this better ...

i don’t think there’s any other input type you can apply the one million schtick to except color. i was thinking of squared shaped browser native color pickers on a 1000x1000 or 10k x 100 non responsive grid. but after seeing the infra and bandwidth costs from the guy who did checkboxes i don’t think my stack of choice could keep up (RoR) i was really looking forward to utilizing fly’s pause/resume feature

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. The idea of a massive grid of color pickers is intriguing, though the infrastructure demands, as you've pointed out, are significant. I am currently using Laravel and VueJs hosted on a DigitalOcean VPS, which has been manageable so far.

Interesting, thanks for posting!

Thank You

Are you doing any kind of validation/moderation of user provided names? I'd be afraid of getting something like a "epstein did nothing wrong red" submission.

Thanks for the great point. Currently, i don't have a validation system for the names submitted by users, but I appreciate your concern and see the potential issues it could pose. I'm planning to adjust the submission process. Users will only submit the hex code, which is straightforward to validate, and then i will utilize the 'webcolors' Python library to automatically assign a standardized name based on the hex code. This should help maintain consistency and prevent any inappropriate naming. Thanks again for your valuable feedback


Thank You

I don't get it. What is the point? What is the top-right toggle? Why doesn't it find the color I search for? At one point I did see an add-color button, where is it now? Doesn't rgb hex space have sixteen million colors? Why the mandatory #-prefix?

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