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Can starship can deliver meaningful terrestial payload, it's also a huge target.

I'm thinking more support infra vunerable, launch tower can't be repaired fast like runway. Also huge tempo limitations - too expensive to build many towers - runway can accomodate multiple strategic airlift planes. Multiple of C5s can do 130 tons each with tanking, unload pretty fast and get out of dodge. Doubt Starship can get unload to <1 hour, which is about how long it will take a hypersonic/ballistic missile to go from PRC to AU. Also doubt Starship can compete on cost unless eventually hit Musk's 2-3m per launch, (C5s 100k per hour), so whatever mission makes using Starship critical, is also going to be in scenario where hitting starship/landing site is worthwhile.

It's about the same as it's low earth orbit payload - 100 tons.

Seems harder to shoot down than a cargo plane.

Starship would probably follow a ballistic trajectory like intercontinental missiles, so i would suspect you could use the same intercepters.

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