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>In terms of convention over configuration, Ruby's metaprogramming is crucial for the name-based class conventions that make Rails so convenient. For instance, if you have a class User with the attribute name, at runtime Rails dynamically adds methods to the User class, allowing you to do things like User.find_by_name("Alice"). Rails uses Ruby's metaprogramming capabilities to accomplish this.

This can be accomplished in statically typed languages too. For example, Java has an ORM called Cayenne that generates models based on database tables. You can get similar functionality and ensure you're not accidentally calling something like `find_by_nam`

ActiveRecord doesn't generate models based on database tables, it uses conventions on table and attribute names along with Ruby's metaprogramming capabilities to define behaviour on models automatically. From my understanding, Cayenne requires manual mapping of the database to your models, which is done via XML files that are either handwritten or generated by their GUI application and have to be regenerated on every database change. That's a far cry from the ease of use of ActiveRecord. How you value that ease of use versus your desire for static typing is up to you, but they’re not comparable from a functionality point of view.

And like I said above while you might be able to recreate some of Rails' functionality in other languages, you wouldn't be able to replicate all of it with the same fluidity and readability that you have in Rails

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