> This headline made me think, "So you're just now discovering this?" Montreal was a disaster; LA 1984 ran a surplus. Cities that already have the sports venues can do all right; other cities have learned by now that building a whole bunch of new stuff is foolhardy.
Los Angeles 1984 had another plus besides having nearly all the sports venues already (they just needed to build a new velodrome and a new swim stadium).
They also already had nearly everything they needed for Olympic Village and to house the athletes and teams. They used student housing at USC and UCLA. It was summer and both of those schools have a large number of undergraduates who go home for the summer which left plenty of rooms available for the Olympics.
I had moved out by then, but I remember all this scare talk beforehand about how it was going to be the traffic apocalypse from hell. AFAIK it was no big deal.
Los Angeles 1984 had another plus besides having nearly all the sports venues already (they just needed to build a new velodrome and a new swim stadium).
They also already had nearly everything they needed for Olympic Village and to house the athletes and teams. They used student housing at USC and UCLA. It was summer and both of those schools have a large number of undergraduates who go home for the summer which left plenty of rooms available for the Olympics.