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Lol. The tailscale CEO is preaching “tomorrow you’ll have or not have Tailscale. And if you don’t, you won’t be able to run apps that only work in a post-Tailscale world.”??

That won’t go down well in 10 years if they don’t become Microsoft-scale juggernauts.

Or they'll just get bought by Microsoft, Amazon, or Cloudflare and that'll be that

I like Tailscale just because it's OpenVPN without the unbearable agony of setting it up so it actually works

Yeah it's a weird flex. I'd use Tailscale today if it was open all the way up and down.

If not, why bother? TLS and http don't charge licensing fees...

You can use tailscale without using tailscale hosted components, using purely open source parts.

I have switched where possible, both my own networks and clients, to use headscale which is folly open source coordination server compatible with tailscale.

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