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Certain memorisation techniques leverage innate human abilities. For example, if you want to memorise a shopping list, mentally picture the items as waypoints on a route you know well, then when you want to recall the list, mentally walk the route in your head, visualising the items. Our ability to recall routes taken is probably as good as our music recollection. If I said to you to mentally walk the route from the front door of your childhood house to the nearest shop (or significant location) then you could do it easily.

This clearly taps into our ability to find our way back to the cave after going out hunting for food. Our ability to memorise the route home was necessary to survive.

I read somewhere that early language was more tonal. Closer to singing than the defined words we use now. So, perhaps our ability to memorise music was actually an innate ability to remember early stories or facts shared with the group? Again, leading to increased survival chances.

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