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No, but the EU and the citizens thereof should then accept that Meta or other similar companies in similar situations can't operate within the EU.

The EU regulators and select HN users might be okay with that, but EU citizens on average probably won't be.

Meta should've been nuked when Cambridge Analytica happened; the fact that US lawmakers did nothing after that is a complete joke. Zucc should be in jail alongside every other piece of shit who thinks it's their right to mass-harvest every single person's personal data indiscriminately for profit.

The FTC fined Facebook 5 billion dollars and required new safeguards and audits around sharing of user data: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2019/07/...

> No, but the EU and the citizens thereof should then accept that Meta or other similar companies in similar situations can't operate within the EU.

I wouldn't mind if FB left...

That's why I said this:

> The EU regulators and select HN users might be okay with that

WhatsApp though?

There is signal/telegram/line/whatever.

Though FB should have never been allowed to buy WhatsApp and Instagram... (same for Google buying YouTube…)

Besides void would be filled sooner or later with something, hopefully something interoperable (XMPP maybe?)


No company should be allowed control over such a large portion of private communication.

Telegram is basically the same

> No, but the EU and the citizens thereof should then accept that Meta or other similar companies in similar situations can't operate within the EU

More pointedly, that they can't be built in or run from the EU.

... and can't do business in the EU.

You know what they say: Only old people use Facebook.

All the younger people I know are on Instagram (yes Meta owns that). But another social network will take its place like it always has. I’m pretty sure Meta knows this since they also own WhatsApp.

If FB dies, we’ll all be fine.

Only if "companies in similar situations" means companies that have been built around violating users' basic rights.

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