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Ask HN: Best resources to learn about Search and Information retrieval
20 points by Heloseaa 43 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

At work I operate a search platform, which led me to learn about search engines in general and how they works.

The deeper I dive in the rabbit hole of information retrieval technologies, the wider it seems to me.

I want to proactively learn about it, which I plan to do with the following books:

- Relevant Search

- AI-Powered Search

Should these be enough to acquire a deep understanding of the domain ?

Do you have alternative or additional resources to suggest ?


Series of blog posts on search and information retrieval


What AI Engineers Should Know about Search from Doug Turnbull


Videos from Berlin Buzzwords


Videos MIx-Camp E-commerce Search


Videos from OpenSource Connections / Haystack


I’ve found this page[0] to be a great starting point for traditional search.

Many of the patterns in traditional search can (and should!) be applied to “AI” search, which is really just indexing things in vector space.

tl;dr — What you put in is what you get out, there’s no silver bullet.

[0] https://project-a.github.io/on-site-search-design-patterns-f...

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