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In soccer they actual are. the ads are injected to the sideboards beside the playing field, so that if you watch the same game on different channels, they have different ads depending on their avg viewers.

Where is this true? Certainly not in England, nor any UEFA games I watched last season. MLS?

It was pretty easy to spot if you watched Euro 2024 games.

Where though, on which broadcaster?

I watch a lot of football, I watched >90% of games at the Euros on UK TV, I've never seen a pitchside advert on TV that wasn't showing the same as what you would see if you were sat in the stadium.

Edit: it was only on US, Chinese and German TV - https://invidis.com/news/2024/07/virtual-ads-wysiwyg-on-tv-a...

Ah, I was watching between German channels, which explains it!

seems like a fun adblock project

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