Sounds almost exactly me. I leave important emails in my inbox that I'm working with (and one or two from my parents). I have a max of about 10 at any time. Zero unread.
I would love to see these states represented:
- Unseen (sent but I haven't opened my inbox or cleared the notification)
I think GmailZero is perfect for your workflow. You can set your goal as inbox 10 instead of inbox 0. I could also see an argument for inbox 25 or whatever fits on one screen. Or maybe inbox 7 as the number of things you can hold in short-term memory...
I would love to see these states represented:
- Unseen (sent but I haven't opened my inbox or cleared the notification)
- Unread (seen but not opened)
- Read
- Read & replied
Then I can delete and archive when I want.