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Ask HN: Databases that use SQL but are usage based like DynamoDB?
2 points by thecleaner 44 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
Looking for a database that uses SQL/ postgres extensions as its interface and has a usage based model like DynamoDB. I quite like DynamoDB since it frees me up from thinking about instance types, memory requirements or whatever.

Maybe you mean something like AWS RDS Serverless


Maybe https://neon.tech/pricing ?

What do you mean by usage model?

DynamoDB has the concept of CUs ( compute units ) which are of two types - RCU.(read compute unit) and WCU (write compute unit). You pay for the CUs that are used + charges for storage. Each operation consumes certain number of CUs. You pay for the CUs used. So something like that but for SQL and hopefully compatible with the standard.

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