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Show HN: LaunchFlow – Automate Your GCP / AWS Infrastructure with Python (launchflow.com)
8 points by TankeJosh 44 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Hey everyone, we just released a new version of our Infrastructure as Code Python SDK that now runs entirely on your machine - no account required.

LaunchFlow extends OpenTofu to provide features like multi-environment support [1], autoconfigured infrastructure clients [2], and API release management [3]. Our goal is to provide a Python-native infrastructure toolkit that handles everything from automating your infrastructure to using it in your application code.

You can use our library of preconfigured OpenTofu modules to add GCP / AWS infrastructure to your app with just a few lines of Python code. Includes integrations with FastAPI, Flask, and Django.

You can follow the Get Started Guide (https://docs.launchflow.com/docs/get-started) to launch an example FastAPI app to GCP / AWS in minutes.

[1] https://docs.launchflow.com/docs/concepts/environments [2] https://docs.launchflow.com/docs/concepts/resources [3] https://docs.launchflow.com/docs/concepts/services

Was hoping for more feedback, I'll try again in the future!

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