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Maybe, but mutability does not require inbuilt operations.

I have often used data-only objects, and passed them to fixed-context functions.

It's a cheap way to get OO behavior, in non-OO languages.

I would still classify that as object oriented behavior.

You have a class/type of objects, and you have a set of functions or operations which are associated with (loosely or tightly) and operate on that type of object.

For example, I would say that file descriptors are a handle to a type of object. They encapsulate the thing that they represent (file, DRM buffer, eventfd, whatever), and some of the functions that operate on them are polymorphic. For example, read, close, ioctl, etc., don't care if the file descriptor is a file, a queue, or whatever.

You use syscalls to interact with file descriptors, but they are just as much object handles.

It definitely is. I was just talking about the definition of "an object."

It separates the functionality from the object. Turns it into an external stimulus to change the state of an object.

I used this pattern, back in the 1990s, to make a C API behave like a C++ API. This was back when every compiler had a different stack convention, and the only one we could rely on, was C.

To be fair, I did have function pointers, in some of the objects, that acted as "poor man's vtables."

I know that the API was still in use, 25 years later.

It's possible that we are talking at cross purposes.

I think you might be arguing that the object itself does not include the set of functions/methods/operations that act on it, whereas I see them as another attribute of the class/type which is an attribute of the object.

Yeah, object orientation isn't just a language feature, it's a pattern for structuring interaction with data.

And as for object orientation being less useful in immutable languages, I see it used plenty.

Erlang and haskell both define dictionary types that return new copies of the dictionary on what would normally be mutating function calls. The dictionary's gory details are hidden behind the object's mask, leaving the user free to ignore if it is a hash into an array of arrays, as many dicts used to be and as allows sharing most of the entries between copies of the dict until resizing, or maybe it's actually a balanced tree or just an a-list.

The outer code doesn't need to know because you create and manipulate the dictionary abstractly through helper functions, be they attached via the language or simply exposed while leaving the implementation opaque.

Object orientation will also be used to hide the implementations of files, sockets, and other abstract resources.

Many interfaces throughout the linux kernel use a plain C form of object orientation, a language which is definitely not object oriented on its own, filling out an 'interface' structure with functions to be used for objects originating from a particular area, allowing the kernel to interact abstractly with filesystems via the function pointers in the struct, for example.

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