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This would be nice. I am using Proton right now, with my own domain. I can make up any address and have it go to my catch-all inbox, which works decently well. However, every so often something will want me to send an email and that's a problem.

I was buying a pair of shoes online and some kind of fraud flag was raised. They asked me to reply to their email to prove I owned it. I ended up replying from my actual account, as I didn't want to burn one of my actual address on a one-time thing. I never gave the email I sent from to anyone, and it has received 0 emails, I really didn't want to risk having it added to their email list by using it, but didn't feel like I had a lot of option. I went on a bit of a rant as a reply, explaining my whole setup, why wha they were asking was problematic, and warning them how irate I would be if the email I was sending from ever got spam in the future, I'd know it was from them.

Of course, the more I try to solve this email problem by using additional addresses, aliases, etc, the more I think I'm just creating a larger problem. If I could go back in time, I would probably not do any of it, and instead just have the 1 address that I use for everything to keep it easy. Instead of investing time in making new accounts, actually invest time in clicking unsubscribe, blocking, and training the spam filters... also, being very selective about where it's used, although that can be difficult these days.

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