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People are having trouble following Harris's campaign X Twitter account (newrepublic.com)
29 points by nothrowaways 46 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Once an account is following 5,000 other accounts, additional follow attempts are limited by account-specific ratios.

Source: https://help.x.com/en/rules-and-policies/x-limits

Maybe people are just maxing out their follows in order to create a news story.

If this is malice rather than incompetence, it seems... extremely unwise. A big part of what Twitter has left are journalists who are there through inertia; if they have to go to Threads or whatever to reliably get the presidential candidate's Tweets, that's quite bad for Twitter.

This really needs to be investigated.

First the debacle about trump banned from Twitter now this.

Companies shouldn’t be able to fuck with political campaigns like this - in either parties favour

Seems like this rate limit is gone now.

Social media needs governance.

Twitter, now bought by Elon musk who vows to destroy "woke mind virus" which he claims is a democratic party thing [1], is too consequential.

[1] https://www.foxnews.com/media/musk-says-trans-child-figurati...

I actually feel the opposite. I supported Twitter banning Trump -- a decision made following its own stated rules.

I support Musk fucking with the political process with his purely partisan decisions at odds with his stated rules. It's his web site. He paid handsomely for it.

If he wants it to be TruthSocial, he should have it. And anybody with a lick of decency will avoid it.

Did it need governance when it used to lean heavily left?

Yes of course. The issue here is not left vs right. The issue is “man-child thinks messing with politics and free elections is funny, and that he’s entitled to it because he bought a plot of land on the internet.”


Yes of course. We had similar discussions on HN before too.

I have trouble following her when she speaks too.

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