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I've written thousands of words on my blog about the design of async Rust, in which I carefully explain every decision and discuss the strong and weak points. This person regularly post rude low-effort comments like this one. My body of work should be enough to refute the idea that all I'm doing is doubling down.

This person regularly post rude low-effort comments



My body of work should be enough

This is a separate discussion, maybe you can put some of that body of work here.

This is literally a thread about a post on my blog. If you can’t find my body of work, I cannot help you.

It's not about me finding anything, I'm saying that your expectations probably need to be adjusted. It seems like you thought you would post a one word title and have everyone just post compliments with no questions.

I didn't ask for this to be posted on Hacker News, genius. My engagement with this community is a generous use of my free time, but I do not suffer trolls and cranks like simon-o.

My engagement with this community is a generous use of my free time

I think this attitude is a major problem. You wrote something public and here you have lots of attention and engagement and you think you're being "generous" by replying to people. If you don't want people to read it, take it down. If you don't want to engage with people on hacker news, just ignore the whole thing. Calling comments "despicable" with no explanation is not a great reaction to people giving your article the attention you wanted in the first place.

Not to mention that this boats gentlemen is on account number 3 already, so it appears that moderators on this site have already told –him more than once– that he should offer his "generous donations of free time" somewhere else if he cannot adjust his behavior.

(His older accounts show the same patterns of throwing childish tantrums and blowing up on random people.)


You weren't kidding. It's the exact same attitude of focusing on authority rather than explaining things technically.

This comment contains a link to a detailed technical explanation of why the person I was replying to was wrong. Does your browser not support websites others than Hacker News? What is this peculiar delusion you have in which content not written into this little box is not real content?

Hacker News comments are divided between useful, inquisitive engagement, to which I react positively and smarmy, self-important bullshit, to which I react with scorn. You have made clear your allegiance to the latter. Sad!

What are your expectations exactly when you try to patronize people and tell them about their "total ignorance" while also just throwing out links to random blog posts?

If someone replies with insults and then just links to a google search page you wouldn't think they're some sort of authority because they promised you the evidence to their claim is out there somewhere.

If you want people to actually respect what you're saying you need to do things differently from both angles. Stop the toxic claims of authority and give simple explanations that are direct replies to what people are talking about.

I created new accounts because I didn't register with an email and lost the login. What a nasty person you are! Why don't you go create something?

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