It does follow. The reason is if the president is cognitively incapable of leading the country. There's a good argument that Biden isn't competent enough to drive a car or work at home Depot. He makes gaffes every time he speaks and is rude and demeaning to people around him according to reports. It's pretty likely that he is effectively not the president right now, that his trusted senior advisers are actually running the country.
I'm not saying all of this is certain or that Biden should be removed, but it is certainly plausible, if not likely.
Trump just had a 90 minute off the cuff acceptance speech at their convention. I can show you the disagreements I would have I can’t show you any major gaffes.
If you want to split hairs and say that the verbal diarrhea that comes out of his mouth every time he opens it is not in itself one giant "gaffe," I guess I'll just concede the point and move on. He's still a giant asshole, always, to everyone, so my original point still stands.
And why was his acceptance speech so "off the cuff" if it was at an official function where he had months to prepare?
> you don’t ever consider that you are the one who was intentionally kept in the dark
There you go again, asserting that you know what's in my head. Please stop.
I've seen mentions of that catchphrase floating around. Based on the wording you used, I thought you were referring to her saying the word "broke" in some context, and I wasn't sure what you were talking about.
Perhaps you should work on your communication skills some more before acting so haughty?
As we age we do have a decline in mental and physical function, but it is generally not uniform. From the reports I've heard his speaking ability is down, but his analytical abilities are still fine.
I'm not saying all of this is certain or that Biden should be removed, but it is certainly plausible, if not likely.