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Microsoft is just jealous, it took the focus from their large Azure outage, also on Friday: "Major Microsoft 365 outage caused by Azure configuration change" - https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/major-micros...

To compensate and keep the focus on them, as masters of all outages...They will take at least until Tuesday, (according to their own info...) to fix the current ongoing issue with Teams scheduling: https://portal.office.com/servicestatus

What if I told you the cause was a failure of a dependency running CrowdStrike

Then I would say they should read their own blog post: "...a reminder of how important it is for all of us across the tech ecosystem to prioritize operating with safe deployment and disaster recovery using the mechanisms that exist..."


From your linked piece:

"CrowdStrike has helped us develop a scalable solution that will help Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure accelerate a fix"

What if I told you that such Mag7 speak is not to be trusted, at all, even?

Much of the media has reported the crowdstrike mess as a Microsoft problem (because it only affected Windows hosts). Even still, this is not a good look for Windows. In no way is Microsoft happy about the crowdstrike situation.

cant have an office outage when you can’t boot into windows

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