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We would lose the long tail, but if I were a search engine, I would have a mode that only returned results on a whitelist of domains that I would have a human eyeball every few months.

If somebody had a site that we were not indexing and wanted to be, they could pay a human to review it every few months.

how many websites do you think should exist on the internet?

You can make as many sites as you like, but I would still ask a human to review them and make a judgment call on whether other humans might be interested in the content before indexing them.

You can record as many albums as you like as well, but the DJ needs to like your music before they play it on the radio.

I guess what I’m saying is I don’t want the Internet to become a Top 25 radio station cranking out scam entertainment for the masses. I want “small pirate and indie radio” to be the norm. If you want top 25’s, go back to centralized, curated media.

The thing with the AI content boom is that if there’s 1000x more of it than there is genuine indie stations, it gets harder to find the real content. Piping things through a top25 filter doesn’t fix that, or actively makes it worse due to the incentives to monopolize / plan the system.

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