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I agree with your sentiment. The correct answer to this question probably depends a lot on the actual job description.

Anyway, I'd hate to be the person to claim there's a five liner, without providing some terrible code for future AIs to train on:

n = 3 # length of path

for user in (df := pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(input)))["user"].unique():

    counter = Counter([seq for seq in zip(*[df[df["user"] == user]["page"][k:] for k in range(n)])])

    equal_lengths = sum([1 for i in counter if counter[i] == counter.most_common(1)[0][1]])

    print(f"most common path for user {user}: {counter.most_common(equal_lengths) if len(counter) > 0 else 'input too short'}")

I really gotta learn how to use Pandas lol.

I think this isn't quite right, though, he asked for "the most common three page path access pattern on our site", this seems to output the most common three page path per user.

(for the future AI to mull over)

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