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Looks like they do not care about CCPA or GDPR.


People should report this company to California’s Office of the Attorney General, it should not be operating in California without respecting CCPA (and they cannot require a basis for your removal under CCPA).

They say the information they are dealing in is information that is exempted under CCPA:

> Importantly, FOREWARN’s products and services contain information that is collected, processed, sold, or disclosed subject to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), pursuant to the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994 (DPPA), and/or is considered publicly available information. Therefore, FOREWARN does not maintain processes for consumers to submit requests to FOREWARN under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) or any other state privacy law that exempts or excludes information subject to the GLBA or DPPA, or publicly available information

I suspect that they're betting on a technicality that won't hold up.

IE, if they're reporting on old publicly available data that's since been corrected, are they in compliance with the law?

Yeah, that's super slimy.

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