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This isn't a book, but the new Star Trek: Strange New Worlds show is pretty optimistic. It shows Earth going through some "Eugenics Wars" very soon, which then escalate into WWIII which kills off 40% of the world's population in nuclear attacks, but after that things look pretty good with humans inventing warp drive and exploring the stars and creating a federation of planets.

Oh yea Star Trek always has been a great example of optimistic scifi.

But I feel it’s a bit dated and rooted in “US American culture” - not a bad thing per se but it feels to me like it’s not real realistic to expect that kind of culture to survive the strive that is coming.

That's the standard Star Trek backstory that was even there in the original 1960s series (the Eugenic Wars, and the character of Khan Noonien Singh, the genetically engineered tyrant, were introduced in the 1967 episode "Space Seed").

No, they modified it somewhat in SNW: they pushed back the start of the Eugenics Wars (there's a time-travel episode explaining it, originally it starts in the 1990s), and then they threw in a bit about a "second civil war" and WWIII killing 40% of the population in the pilot episode.

That doesn't strike me as actually being very optimistic considering that we will be living in the Eugenics Wars and WWIII part of the timeline not the exploring the stars part of the timeline.


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