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Don't mean to be rude, but does the job posting list a competitive salary?

Now that they're required to list salaries in coastal states I filter for that while searching and don't even consider jobs paying under $[threshold]k.

I don't find this rude at all. You get what you pay for, to an extent, and the going rate for a strong senior engineer is quite high in some markets.

Very competitive. In the top 10% of developer salaries. This is in Poland.

Btw your question was fair. Thank you for asking to clarify the context.

This explains it! Ive been doing the same, if job postings aren’t in the range Im looking for, Ill skip over the posting altogether. This is fantastic, saves time for both.

I wonder if it goes both ways. Low numbers repel the competent engineers but will certainly attract others for whom the salary represents an upgrade.

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