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Ask HN: Is it worth marketing my SaaS in a foreign language?
2 points by anoceo 65 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
I run a part-SaaS, part-agency service that’s at high 6 figures in revenue. Growth has stagnated lately and I’m trying to figure out how to fix that. I’m wondering whether to market our service in a foreign language - translate site copy, Google ads, maybe even sponsoring local influencers. I’m not sure about the ROI of time+money however.

Has anyone else here tried this before? What’s been your experience, was it worth the investment?

How did you go from the symptom of growth stagnating to the solution of localization?

How did you pick your target language if you already have done so?

Most of our customers are non-English speaking (Argentina, Brazil, Middle East). I haven't picked a language yet.

You mean most your customers are from countries speaking other languages.

They are customers, so they're buying in English. You want to expand to the ones who can't.

Which one is biggest? Argentina, Brazil, etc?

Also, the Middle East is like saying Americas. A whole lot of very different, heterogenous, countries.

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