Hey HN,
A few years ago I was impaled in a climbing accident - I fell 20 feet straight onto a 3" PVC pipe (https://publications.americanalpineclub.org/articles/13201216284). I couldn't walk or take care of myself for most of a year, and the recovery was extremely difficult. A fantastic 15+ year systems development career to came to an abrupt halt after my company was acquired while I was on medical leave, and I found myself without work to return to. Shortly after, I separated from my partner of 20 years, giving her and my son our family home and opting to stay for a while alone in a Dodge Ram van. Unfortunately my van was stolen at gunpoint, along with everything I owned, and I have been homeless on the streets of Tacoma, WA for the past 2 years.
I'm mentally and physically ready to get back to work, but it is difficult navigating this challenge without a computer or a roof over my head. I'm an adept hacker, having won a black badge in CTF at Defcon. I specialize in build and release automation, and am comfortable wearing any hat as long as I am writing code.
I'm hoping for advice, help, or maybe even an interview or contract offer from someone in a position to offer me a chance. I'm a tenacious, thoughtful and creative developer that excels at solving intractable problems and quickly resolving critical issues.
I still try to read HN every day, write code, and stay up on the latest and greatest tech. Walking is still a challenge, but the rest of me works just fine. Please let me know if you have any help or advice to offer. Thanks kindly.
The news article made it sound like you were on good terms with the climbing gym and its owner. But it sounds like that accident handicapped and made you destitute. Are you sure there is no legal recourse there, whether against the gym (its insurance, more likely) or least government benefits?
I don't have much money or job connections right now, myself. But would a used Windows laptop help at all? I'd be glad to ship it to you (General Delivery, probably, unless you have a PO box?)