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> I’ve played JRPGs long enough that I don’t pay much attention to the characters or the plot anymore

> I don’t particularly enjoy strategizing, I just default to punch with warriors and spell with wizards, with the occasional healing potion in between

That doesn't seem to leave a whole lot...

Seems like this kind of mentality boils down to "I like the art direction and broad story tropes but not much else".

It always baffles me as a JRPG player that grew up with stuff like Final Fantasy 7, Wild Arms, and Tales of Symphonia how people would play these 40+ hour adventures made up of 10+ hours of cutscenes but also not care about the characters (you know, the ones you take the role of) and the story. Even if we are sticking to the Japanese art style, you have games like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta for a "turn your plot brain off" action game, a myriad of fighting games that is 95+% gameplay, and platformers like Mario that has set dressing at best for a plot.

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