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> "growing from 780k to 2.3m repos on the HF Hub in the past year"

Is this what caused the title to be "300%"?

a. that's actually ~200%

b. isn't growth, as defined by number of repos (which might be free) the wrong metric. It's super is to scale adoption when you're giving something away for free

I was going to correct you but I was wrong

For anyone else that got tripped up... 1x to 3x is 200% growth because you don't get to count the original 1x

It's kind of confusing because it depends on how you phrase it with percentages.

"The number of cores in the PC went up by 50%" means "there are now 1.5x as many cores"

However, "the number of cores in the PC is 50% what is was last year" means "there are now .5x as many cores"

In this case 200% is fairly unambiguous, but imagine a phrase like "scaling community 50% per year" which could mean different things depending on the direction of the scaling... I think it's more intuitive to use a multiplier: "scaling community 3x bigger per year" makes it easy to visualize an online community tripling in size every year.

[OP here] yeah youre right i've adjusted to 200%, ty

They said 300%, not growth by 300%

IMO I prefer the former ("growth factor") calculation to the "growth by" calculation as it's simpler, it's just [the_percentage]/100 * current_value

in the other case it is (the_percentage + 100)/100 * current_value which takes an extra CPU cycle of my brain

[op here] i've just switched it to 200% bc its the smaller number, but i agree that was what i was thinking

(b) growth is still the right metric imo. for example, lots of open-source libraries (which by definition are available to use for free) measure and optimize for growth

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