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> One can live in a city and not own a smart TV, nor a smartphone

I believe parent's point is: no, one cannot. One cannot live in a (modern Western urban) society and not have a smartphone.

The people who do are now living in a different society, where, among other things:

- they have to plan to stop at a bank to take out physical cash

- they have to schedule their days in an entirely different method from their peers with smartphones

- they are less connected to opportunities and access to government and private services because those services come via smart devices and assume smart device ownership

Not to put too fine a point on it: there are restaurants that give you a QR code instead of a paper menu now. Are you and I living in the same society if I can order food there and you can't?

You just enumerated some of the things people can do to live without a smartphone, demonstrating it is possible (albeit difficult).

I think we need to stop calling things "not possible" just because they take effort and lifestyle changes to accomplish.

I mean, one can live without a house too.

Perhaps we are just quibbling on definitions if we're arguing about whether being homeless counts as living in the same society as those with a permanent address.

The meta point is: government regulates housing because it's something "everybody" (modulo outliers) does: live in a house. If "everybody" (modulo outliers) owns a smartphone and smartphone ownership is assumed for full societal participation... We probably need to regulate it.

Also this take is not great because your privacy is also dictated by the people around you that have smartphones and are listening to you.

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