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Most people just look at the balance and forget (in the self-preservation, "I want to be right" kind of forgetting) that they contribution $20k+ that year so unless you've got a multi-million dollar 401(k) or the market was down 10%+ across the board you're very likely to see more on December 31st than was there January 1st regardless.

I'm not sure that's quite fair. Unless it were 2001 or 2008 people look at their balances and see they're generally up unless they made some big gamble and at least unconsciously conclude they probably did as well as they reasonably could. But that may be what you're saying. Worrying about a percent here or there probably isn't worth it for most people.

We're saying the same things, I just meant you could actually lose a lot of money but see your balance go up, especially with smaller portfolios. As your portfolio gets bigger it's less likely to happen because eventually a single-digit loss over the course of a year might be enough to wipe out more than the max contribution.

Yes. Even if your overall balance is going up, it makes sense to keep your eye on doggy investments. I really cleaned shop a couple years ago and I'm glad I did.

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