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Former DARPA chief, now White House OSTP director: time to regulate AI is now (theverge.com)
11 points by rntn 58 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Isn't the head of Open AI involved in the "regulation" process? Seems a bit sketchy...

Why regulate it now? We dont even know what it can do yet. Any regulation now will be full of loopholes we dont even know exist.

Meanwhile, biological intelligences are free to spew much nonsense. We need the Supreme Court to rule that freedom of speech extends to non-traditional intelligences too, not limited to AIs.

Or if you think AI must be regulated, do you think it can be regulated across the border too? The answer is no. Thinking ten years ahead, with proper AI in the picture, I venture a guess that restrictions on the use of AI is the most severe form of an artificial handicap that could exist.

The right solution, on the other hand, would be to leverage AI and traditional means to boost cybersecurity.

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