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In countries with the fastest growth rates women have an even greater child-rearing burden so that's not it.

That said, it's a tiny island, do they really need more people as a society? Or is this mainly looking at is a country wanting continuous neverending economic growth?

It's nature. If you aren't growing, you are dying. At work, if you aren't moving up you are on the way out.

like trees that reach maturity in 25-40 years then live up to 300-600 basically with the same mature form?

I think they'd be ecstatic with a constant population level. They've got a birth rate < 1 per woman where a replacement rate is 2.1. So that means a halving of population size every generation.

> Or is this mainly looking at is a country wanting continuous neverending economic growth?

I mean, yes almost assuredly. But that doesn't mean shrinking populations are without their own issues, outside economic ones, elder care being the most obvious. And, shrinking populations can quite easily contribute to large-scale cultural demise, which is always something worth considering. That said, fewer humans overall is undeniably better for our environmental outlook.

I guess the implication I'm making is can we at some point say, we've achieved a pretty good standard of living, let's enjoy our national patrimony and not perpetuate the rat race?

I mean if you're asking me? I'd say we're already there. If you're asking the MBA-brain-worms-having grindset number-go-up crazy people who run our society? Never.

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