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Rust is a thing in the real world.

Both Windows and Android are shipping, today, with meaningful components written in Rust. Amazon S3 and Lambda are built on top of Rust. Apple is hiring Rust developers and they post about it on this platform [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40849188]. Dropbox and Discord backend services are written in Rust. Cloudflare uses Rust very extensively in their infrastructure, which means that a large fraction of global internet traffic passes through routers and servers written in Rust. The UEFI firmware implementation of the next Surface products by Microsoft is written in Rust.

You are simply incorrect. Instead of arguing I will suggest that you do a slight modicum of research into who is using Rust and for what. While it won't be comparable in omnipresence with C and C++ for a long time, it is widely-enough used that there is a near-zero chance that you are not already using some tool or service that directly or indirectly uses Rust for some significant purpose. It is not a "forum and hobby project language". The list I just provided is also by no means complete - Shopify, Disney, Facebook, Firefox... and many others... also use Rust.

Your claim of credibility via working on kernels falls completely flat in the face of Microsoft directly contradicting you: https://www.thurrott.com/windows/282471/microsoft-is-rewriti...

"According to Weston, Microsoft has already rewritten 36,000 lines of code in the Windows kernel in Rust, in addition to another 152,000 lines of code it wrote for a proof of concept DirectWrite Core library, and the performance is excellent with no regressions compared to the old C++ code. He also called out that “there is now a syscall, in the Windows kernel, written in Rust.”

Whatever experience you have is out of date with the current reality. Not only is there interest in using Rust in these core areas, but it has already started happening.

Thanks for eloquently responding to the GP comment... My own thoughts have been with Microsoft, Apple, Mozilla and Amazon actively backing Rust, it is definitely not something that will just go away.

Personally, I've only done surface level things (API middle tier dev) with a few different Rust frameworks (Axum, etc) and it's been relatively nice for the level of performance and low overhead compared to Node, C# and others. And what lower level code I've read has been particularly pleasant to come to understand.

While doing something like a global cache in Rust feels awkward as all hell, many other patterns just feel really nice to use. I like the semantics of the language itself. I do hope that certain enterprise patterns typical in Java and the C# communities don't come into play in Rust though.

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